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 JEFFREY E. MILSTEIN, a prolific author both in NYC & regionally has written, directed, and produced a new musical telling the stories of a low-level prison, known as a Camp, in the famed military installation. This dark social commentary is complete with sight-gags and prat falls.


Jailtime never was this much fun

American Theatre of Actors

314 W. 54th Street



Friday & Saturday: November 9, 10,16 &17 @ 8 pm

Sunday Matinee:November 11 &18 @2 pm

Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? Let's Talk.​
"So You Think You're Godd"




JEM Productions Presents


  "So You Think You're Godd"


at Beth El Synagogue

50 Maple Stream Road

East Windsor, NJ 08520



 Dec. 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, & 17

 Saturdays @ 8pm, Sundays @ 2pm



"A Moment in Time"




"The Private Dick"


   JEM Productions








 â€‹   So You Think You're Godd 
is a hilarious comedy that will have you questioning our JUDICIAL SYSTEM and Theological concepts. Remember Night Court? This is Night Court in Heaven. Johnny Cochrane, Chris Darden, & Marcia Clarke try to convince us that their clients are innocent. But we know better. Don't we?

       You will enjoy all the antics presented to you by a great cast of talent, that never heard of Night Court or the OJ trial until we started rehearsing.

A Moment In Time
This play hits home because it is about a family where the mother suffers a heart attack and is then diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). We see how her sons and their families deal with their mother becoming ill with this dreadful disease. We see first hand, how families deal with one of life's deadly curves that can affect everyone.
     This play was performed
Off Broadway at the  American Theater of Actors in the Cheruchin Theater, NYC.  In the Spring of 2015 as a fund raiser for the New York Chaper of the ALS Foundation.



The Private Dick
Just when you thought it was safe to step out of you house BOOM. You're hit with a dick joke. What do you expect when the main character is called RICHARD DICKS & his side kick is PETER FALLICK , of course there are falick symbol jokes.

      We follow the detective and sidekick thru madcap, goofy & down right silly situations, while trying to solve a crime which was committed right in front of your eyes.

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